National Energy is a US backed, privately funded corporate group active in the renewable energy sector.

We operate across the full asset cycle from early-stage development through to long-term ownership in solar PV, wind, hydrogen and energy storage.


Our mission is to develop, build and operate an ever-growing portfolio of renewable energy systems targeting 5GW of operational assets in the next 5 years.
Solar Solar Photovoltaic pv energy is harnessed from natural sunlight Wind Wind turbines capture the energy of the wind Storage Energy storage systems help solve the challenge of renewable energy intermittency Hydrogen Green hydrogen eliminates emissions as it uses renewable energy to electrolyze water to produce a clean-burning fuel
National Energy has a renewable energy portfolio of greater than 3GW of assets currently under development, under construction or already operational.


Our Impact

Our aim is to accelerate the path to a smart energy future, ensuring a positive impact on both the environment and the communities along the way.

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We are aware of our responsibility as clean energy developers to promote the continuous integration of financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable practices into our investment, construction, and asset management decision-making.

We apply innovative ideas and hunt for opportunities. The drive behind our work is that sustainability investment is not a part of our strategy; it is our strategy.


“As the major source of global emissions, the energy sector holds the key to responding to the world's climate challenge.“ IEA, 2021


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